Repetitive Motion Injuries
There may be fewer things more frustrating than sustaining an injury while on the job. While accidents happen, injuries caused by performing repetitive activity or motion to complete a required are no less harmful. Workers and employers alike must take steps to monitor for repetitive motion injuries, especially when they occur as part of one’s daily duties.
Common Types of Repetitive Motion Injuries
Arms and hands are the most common targets of repetitive motion injuries. While one might think these types of injuries are suffered only by those who perform physical labor as a career choice, these types of injuries also are suffered by those who work in offices or other non-physical roles. Here are descriptions of a couple of the most commonly occurring repetitive motion injuries.
- Tennis elbow does not only occur while playing tennis. Do not let the name fool you, this painful injury occurs as a result of overuse of the forearm muscles that are attached to the outer elbow by the connecting tendons. While it does plague those who play a lot of racquet sports, repetitive use of hammers, screwdrivers and other hand tools and cause the same injury.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common diagnosis when pain is experienced from the hand or wrist and travels up the arm, along the carpal tunnel ligament. Office workers who use keyboards frequently experience this pain, but it is also a frequent diagnosis for musicians and others who use their hands, wrists, and fingers repeatedly throughout the course of doing their job. It is an injury that often requires surgery if not caught in time.
- Cumulative trauma disorder is a broad description when muscles or joints sustain an injury as a result of repetitive motion and dangerous overuse of one’s arms, legs, back, or other body part.
- Tendonitis results when muscles and tendons are overused and cause tremendous pain and inflation in the joints and muscles.
- Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa sacs, which are fluid-filled sacs located between a tendon and bone. Bursitis often occurs in one’s knees, wrists and elbows.
Rely on a Knowledgeable DuPage County Repetitive Injury Attorney for Compensation Help
An injury sustained while repeatedly performing the same activity at work is not something you should accept as part of the job. Whether for physical therapy, medication, body braces or other relief, an experienced Wheaton repetitive injury attorney can help you obtain the reimbursement and compensation you need to cover necessary medical costs. The Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. reviews the details of every case with care, and provides experience in these matters to help clients receive what they deserve. Start by calling our offices at 630-665-5678 today and schedule a free initial consultation.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.