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What Is the Difference Between the Types of Benefits Available to Injured Workers?

 Posted on April 30, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

IL job injury lawyerWhen you are injured due to your line of work, it can be devastating. Not only do you suffer from the physical effects of your injury or illness, but you can also begin to struggle financially from time missed at work and unexpected medical bills. Fortunately, if you are injured while you are at work, chances are you are covered under your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. Unfortunately, not all workers, injuries or employers are covered under workers’ compensation, which is where an Illinois workers’ compensation attorney can help you recover much-needed benefits.

Understanding the Different Types of Benefits

If you are found to have suffered an injury at work, you will have access to certain benefits that can help you get back on your feet after an injury, or that can provide you with assistance if you are determined to be disabled. These benefits include:

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What Types of Driving Behaviors Are Negligent in a Car Accident Injury Claim?

 Posted on April 23, 2021 in Car Accidents

b2ap3_thumbnail_crash_20210425-230718_1.jpgEven though the number of deaths resulting from motor vehicle accidents have decreased for the third year in a row, the number of injuries that are sustained by victims is astronomical. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), there were 4.5 million people who sought medical care for injuries sustained in car accidents in 2019 at an estimated cost of $463 billion. Many people who suffer from car accident injuries suffer the effects of these costs, which include medical expenses, wage loss, motor vehicle damage and more. Many times, car accidents are caused by the negligence of another driver and are entirely preventable. If another driver was acting negligently, you may be able to hold them accountable for the costs related to your injuries.

What is Negligence?

According to Illinois law, negligence occurs when a person fails to do something that a reasonably careful person would do, or does something that a reasonably careful person would not do. In addition to proving negligence, you must also be able to prove that the driver’s negligence was the cause of your injuries and that you would not have been injured if they had not acted in a negligent manner.

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Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim as an Airline Baggage Handler

 Posted on April 16, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

IL injury lawyerEach year, hundreds of millions of people travel to and from the United States through air travel. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, there were more than one billion passengers who passed through TSA checkpoints in airports across the country in 2019. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, there were still more than an estimated 398 million people who traveled by plane in 2020. With all of those passengers comes all of their luggage and all of the strenuous work that comes along with taking care of it. We do not usually see or speak to baggage handlers face-to-face like we do with flight attendants, making it easy to overlook the potentially dangerous work they do. Getting injured on the job as a baggage handler is not uncommon, but you can file for workers’ compensation benefits to help recuperate some of your losses.

Common Situations Causing Injuries to Airline Baggage Handlers

Airline baggage handlers have some of the most physically demanding jobs in the airline industry. Baggage handlers are responsible for handling passengers’ luggage at multiple points throughout the airport, with the main goal of getting the luggage to its destination at the same time as its owner. There are many situations that create the potential for injury for baggage handlers, including:

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How Back and Spine Injuries Can Lead to Chronic Pain and Disabilities

 Posted on April 09, 2021 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerInjuries that affect the back can cause a great deal of difficulty in a person’s life. Back injuries can restrict a person’s movement, affect their ability to perform work-related activities, or even result in permanent disabilities. When these injuries are caused by someone else’s negligence, such as in a car accident or slip and fall, a victim can pursue compensation from the person or company who was responsible. If back injuries occur in the workplace, employees will usually be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Those who have suffered these types of injuries will want to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatments, as well as their legal options for addressing the damages they have suffered.

Types of Back Injuries

Back injuries may affect the vertebrae in the spine, the nerves in the spinal cord, or different muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The most serious injuries often involve damage to the spinal cord, which can result in partial or total paralysis in the parts of the body below the level of the spine where the injury occurred. Some common back injuries include:

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Seeking Compensation for Injuries Suffered on a Spring Break Trip

 Posted on March 31, 2021 in Personal Injury

b2ap3_thumbnail_injury_20210331-023330_1.jpgNow that spring has sprung and a COVID-19 vaccine is being distributed, many people are looking forward to traveling again after a year of staying close to home. For students and adults, spring break is a popular time to take a trip to a warmer climate or perhaps visit family members or friends. Whether you are going across state lines or across the ocean, it is important to be aware of certain risks when taking that much-needed vacation form school and work. Time away from your normal routine can be refreshing, but it can also lead to serious injuries due to another party’s negligence.

Common Ways You Can Sustain Injuries While on Vacation

Although a change of scenery can be good for everyone, it can also lead to unexpected trauma. Here are a few types of incidents that can cause a traveler to be harmed or injured:

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Pursuing Compensation for Rear-End Collision Injuries in Illinois

 Posted on March 23, 2021 in Car Accidents

IL car accident lawyerWith a COVID-19 vaccine being distributed across the country, many people are looking forward to venturing out more now after staying at home this past year. Illinois roadways may soon see more traffic, especially with the warmer weather upon us. In addition, travelers may not be ready to fly on airplanes just yet and instead opt for taking road trips in their cars. Whether you are driving to another state or just a different Chicago suburb, anytime you get behind the wheel you run the risk of getting into a car accident. Rear end crashes are common on local streets as well as highways, and they can cause serious damage to a vehicle and its passengers.

Whiplash and Other Injuries

The injuries suffered in any car accident can range from minor bumps and bruises to severe and life-threatening conditions. One of the most common types of injuries in a rear end collision is whiplash. When the head suddenly moves backward and then forward, whiplash affects an individual’s neck and can have lingering effects. Depending on the speed at which vehicles are traveling, occupants may hit their head on the car’s dashboard or windshield when struck from behind. This can result in deep cuts or lacerations, in addition to fractured or broken bones.

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How Do the OSHA COVID-19 Guidelines Affect Workers’ Compensation?

 Posted on March 15, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

IL injury lawyerCOVID-19 has impacted people all over the world, physically and economically. Although a vaccine is being distributed nationwide, the coronavirus will likely impact the way we live going forward. Studies show that COVID-19 “long-haulers” are individuals who tested positive for the virus and recovered but who have ongoing or long-lasting effects from it. These symptoms can include hair loss, fatigue, chronic cough, brain fog, to name a few. In response to the widespread impact of coronavirus, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has implemented a set of guidelines for employers to follow in the fight against COVID-related illnesses. It is crucial for Illinois employers and employees alike to understand how these rules may affect workers’ compensation claims in the future.

Workplace Exposures to COVID-19

The General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires employers to provide each employee with work and a place of employment that is free from hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or significant physical harm. According to OSHA record-keeping mandates, eligible employers must record certain work-related illnesses and injuries on their OSHA log. COVID-19 can count as one of those illnesses if an employee contracts the virus as a result of performing their work-related tasks. It is important to note that employers are only responsible for recording cases of COVID-19 if all of the following factors are met regarding an employee:

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What Are Common Treatments for Brain Injuries?

 Posted on March 10, 2021 in Catastrophic Injuries

IL brain injury lawyerMarch is National Brain Injury Awareness Month. The severity of brain injuries vary depending on the type of accident that caused it. Incidents can range from someone colliding with another athlete while playing sports to falling off a ladder at work and hitting their head to being involved in a car accident. Victims should seek immediate medical attention as the injury may require surgery, a lengthy hospital stay, and/or extensive therapy. In many cases, another party may have caused the injury, such as a drunk or distracted driver or negligent manufacturer. A personal injury attorney can assist those who are suffering and pursue compensation on their behalf to alleviate the expense associated with medical bills and lost wages.

Prompt Care and Rehabilitation Can Restore Brain Function

The treatment for brain injuries might be different depending on the type of damage to the brain. For example, the way a concussion is treated is different than a skull fracture. The first step in treating a brain injury involves imaging tests. A computerized tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays for a comprehensive view of the brain and is typically performed when a victim comes to the emergency room. A CT scan can reveal fractures as well as hemorrhages, hematomas, contusions, or swelling. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses magnets and radio waves for a detailed view of the brain. This test may be conducted once a patient’s condition stabilizes.

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Filing a Personal Injury Claim for an Injury Caused by Snow or Ice

 Posted on February 26, 2021 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerWinter rolls around every year in the Midwest, and with it comes snow and ice, especially this year. Inclement weather may seem like an inconvenience when flights are delayed or cancelled, but it can also cause serious issues on public roads and walkways. In some cases, large accumulations of snow and icicles can create ice dams, leading to significant water damage in homes and buildings once the precipitation starts to melt. In addition, when ice coats a sidewalk or stairs, it increases the likelihood of a person slipping and falling on the slick surface if it is not cleared or salted. Falling icicles can also impale an unsuspecting individual who is standing below them. A personal injury claim may help someone pursue compensation for winter injuries if a property owner acted negligently and ignored the hazard.

Dangerous Weather Conditions Can Lead to Serious Injuries

Many people know that shoveling wet, heavy snow can put a strain on an individual’s heart, so doctors warn about older people trying to clear snow on their driveways. However, venturing out in the winter can also lead to serious and even life-threatening injuries. Not only does driving pose a hazard but simply just walking can put some at risk.

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The Dangers of Black Ice and Illinois Car Accidents

 Posted on February 19, 2021 in Car Accidents

IL injury lawyerThe difference between driving on a clear, sunny day compared to a rainy, snowy, cold day is striking. Inclement weather conditions can cause all sorts of problems on Illinois roadways. Any precipitation can make it difficult to see clearly when behind the wheel. In addition, wind only adds to the visibility problems. When the temperature drops below a certain level, water turns to ice. Black ice is a transparent coating of ice, found on a road or other paved surface. It can form after precipitation develops and then temperatures fall below freezing. This condition can be extremely dangerous for drivers because it often is not detected until it is too late. Car accidents involving black ice can be catastrophic. Drivers should take extra precautions during winter weather to avoid causing or being involved in a crash with severe injuries.

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